Month: October 2023


    The Key elements involved in AIOPS are Automation, Intelligence and Operations. It gives predictive analysis of an issue with accurate root cause identification and helps in faster resolution using automation to achieve greater user experience in a cost effective manner. AIOPS insights provide a way for centralised data visualisation for anomaly detection. Following can be…

  • NAAS

    NAAS is at the centre of new cloud first enterprise architecture. The provider having a NAAS offering own, manage and operates the network infrastructure equipments .The NAAS customer rent networking and security services on demand from a NAAS provider to scale up or down or quickly deploy new services in a cost efficient manner.

  • Pluggable Coherent Optics

    Emerging technologies such as Artificial intelligence, autonomous vehicles etc. creates unprecedented bandwidth demand in a communication network. The 400g transceivers are already rolled out while there has been discussions around 800g and 1.6T. Underneath this, there is a revolution of pluggable coherent optics which continues to advance till date. The coherent optical communication, at its…